Spring 2021 Writing Studies Course Offerings

Note: All spring courses will be online and meet synchronously via Zoom from 6:30-9:15 p.m. one evening per week.


ENG 673: Screenwriting Workshop (3 credits)

Monday Night – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m.

Professor Tom Coyne

CRN: 10500


In this class, we will learn how to present story in a specific, challenging, and rewarding format that may be unknown to you, but the fundamentals of good screenwriting are the same as all good creative writing — detail, dialogue, character, voice, precision, and imagination. We will develop and locate our most cinema-ready narratives, and learn how to tell them via camera and microphone. We will read screenplays, write screenplays, and discuss the craft and conventions of professional screenwriting. We will study three-act structure and the fundamentals of dramatic storytelling, and we will look at a number of professional screenplays to guide our discussion of form and craft. Each member of the workshop will develop his or her own screen project from an initial concept/pitch to a full-length, feature screenplay. The class will also look at the business of screenwriting and discuss the overall development of screen projects. No screenwriting experience required. (Area III)


ENG 641: Special Topics: Writing as Activism: Race, Class, Gender (3 credits)

Tuesday Night – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m.

Dr. Ann E. Green

CRN: 10507

 We wouldn’t have to have Black Lives Matter if we hadn’t had 300 years of Black Lives Don’t Matter.—Unknown Source

There are people who can give chunks of information, perhaps, but that was not what I was about.  The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.  And then, just possibly hopefully, it goes home, or on.— Audre Lorde

Most of all, I have tried to understand the politics of they, why human beings fear and stigmatize the different while secretly dreading that they might be one of the different themselves.  Class, race, sexuality, gender—and all of the other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other—need to be excavated from the inside.—Dorothy Allison.

We will write, read, and talk about writing as a form of activism and explore how race, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability affect the writer. We will read widely and wildly, you will write a great deal, and learning will hopefully be incited, like a riot. Learning about this material at this moment, in light of Black Lives Matter and transformative efforts by BIPOC to transform systemic racism, is important and powerful.  What we read and write about in this course will extend beyond the classroom, and this can sometimes shift the lens of your thinking in compelling ways.  As we look at the categories of race, class, gender, and sexuality as Dorothy Allison suggests, and unpack them from the inside, you may find your worldview changing, expanding or exploding.  This is all part of the process.

We will begin by exploring how writers use intersectionality in their writings by doing a close reading of When They Call You a Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and thinking about the rhetorical strategies she employs when telling a complex memoir about Black Lives Matter. We will then consider other writers’ influences on Khan-Cullors, in particular James Baldwin and Audre Lorde.  We will write creative responses to the texts we read, and we will share and workshop these in class and consider how race, class, gender, sexuality, and dis/ability have shaped our own stories or the fictional stories we tell.

For the final project, students will write a piece of memoir, a long profile piece or interview, an essay, a short story, a series of poems, a play, a podcast, or a multimodal experiment, or a piece of a novel and then write a critical reflection of their work in light of the other readings in the course and their literary foremothers. Students will also consider how different genres can be used in activist work and how different audiences respond to different kinds of writing. (Area II)


ENG 550 The Practice of Writing (3 credits)

Wednesday night – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m.

Professor Tenaya Darlington

 CRN: 10511


This course is designed as an Introduction to the Writing Studies Program, and it allows students to explore a variety of genres while they explore career options within the writing/publishing world. Students will literally “walk in the shoes” of different writers, playing the role of columnist, reporter, editor, poet, and fiction writer. At the end of the course, students will reflect on these different roles and begin brainstorming a possible thesis project in one area. (Core Course)


ENG 680 Writing the Grant Proposal / Writing for Nonprofits (3 credits)

Thursday nights – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m.

Professor Maureen Saraco

CRN: 10514


This course will teach you the basics of how to write for a nonprofit organization, and how to tailor your message and style to various audiences. Focusing primarily on grant writing, you will learn the basics of how to ask for money from organizations in writing and how to navigate the grant-making process from the initial research to the submission of the final proposal. You will also practice writing other important pieces for any nonprofit, like appeal letters, blog posts, social media outreach, performance reports, and more. Through hands-on practice with real Philadelphia-area nonprofits, you’ll learn how to write for the different audiences a nonprofit organization needs to reach. While this course is geared towards the writing skills suited to nonprofit organizations, many of these skills are also transferrable to writing at other kinds of professional organizations. (Area III)

Update on Fall 2020 Writing Studies Courses

Dear Students,

You are probably wondering about how we are handling fall courses in Writing Studies. Below, you’ll find a list of updates about our courses. In short, all three of our courses will be available online via Zoom during the hours they are scheduled. We are offering one course (Fiction Workshop) with an in-person or online option, in an effort to provide some on-campus connection. This course is designed to be flexible and can move fully online if needed.

Please see the information below regarding each course. Also, please know that we will make every effort possible to make the fall semester productive, interactive, and enjoyable for you.

Online only:

ENG 560: Rhetoric Then and Now (Core Course)

Mondays – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m., Dr. Melissa Goldthwaite

Online only:

ENG 614: Road to Revolution in the 1960’s

Tuesdays – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m., Dr. Owen Gilman

In-person or online (via Zoom):

ENG 670: Fiction Writing Workshop

Thursdays – 6:30 – 9:15 p.m., Professor Tenaya Darlington

Note: We will be in a large classroom with 6 feet between desks. Masks are required. Anyone who prefers to attend online via Zoom is welcome to do so as long as you can do so in real-time. If the class opts to move entirely online at any point, we will do so. My goal is to be flexible and meet the needs of everyone in the course.

Best wishes,

Tenaya Darlington and Writing Studies Faculty


On Writing for a Catholic Newspaper

SJU Writing Studies student Kevin Pitts talks with Pete Sanchez.






Peter “Pete” Sanchez (06’) is a Staff Writer and Social Media Coordinator at The Catholic Star Herald. In 2017 he launched the podcast Talking Catholic, which interviews Catholics leaders in the Diocese of Camden.

Since I’m interested in Catholicism and writing, I decided to talk to Pete about his work:

Kevin: You said you viewed telling other people’s stories as a “calling.” What did you mean?

Pete: I truly believe God has given everyone gifts, and I am thankful that he has given me the gift of being able to share other people’s stories through writing, about how God is working in their lives, be it in their parish, school, home, or community.  It’s a calling that I feel I should use this gift, to not only give God glory, but make known his goodness.  God has blessed me with the ability to write, and I have a responsibility to build up His kingdom here.

Kevin: The Talking Catholic podcast has a segment called “Talking Saints,” which simply tells stories from the lives of Catholic saints. Why do you do this?

Pete: My entire life, it seems, I’ve been inspired by the lives of the saints – Augustine, John Paul II, Teresa of Calcutta, to name a few. Their time here on Earth is a blueprint for how all of us should live out our daily lives. At the beginning of every show, my co-host, Laurie Power and I start off with a quote from Pope Francis: “To be a Saint is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone.”  We began this monthly program not just to show saints’ holiness, but their humanity and struggles; none of them were perfect.  God’s love and grace, however, transformed these men and women into models we can follow. They demonstrate that sainthood is possible for all of us.

Kevin: The Herald‘s intended audience is Catholics in the Diocese of Camden, which includes priests and laypeople of various ethnicities and levels of involvement. Writing for such a range of people, does your audience ever surprise you?

Pete: Honestly, I’m always surprised when I hear from my editor that one of my stories was picked up and shared by a national Catholic publication. It doesn’t happen often. On most days, I view my audience as the Catholic Community of South Jersey.  When I hear that one of my stories was read by someone in another state, it’s surprising and humbling. When it happens, it just reinforces the responsibility I have in my profession, as a Catholic who happens to be a journalist, to tell the truth.

Kevin: Is there a patron saint of newspapers for the Herald? Or have you chosen your own patron saint of newspapers, or writing in general?

Pete: In my office, I have artwork of Saint Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers and the Catholic press. In the 16th and 17th centuries, as a priest in Geneva, Switzerland, he would share the faith by writing it down and slipping it under people’s doors. I’m trying to do the same; get the Gospel message out to as many as possible.

You can find Pete’s work at the links below:

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