Gonzo Girl Coming to SJU

Cheryl Della Pietra, former assistant to Hunter S. Thompson, has written a novel based on her experiences while working for him.

Cheryl Della Pietra Flyer




Check out some of the reviews for her book, Gonzo Girl:

Gonzo Girl is a thrilling fictionalized (just barely) account of working with a true genius—until the celebrity-filled, drug-fueled partying becomes too much.” (Entertainment Weekly (Must List selection))

“A margarita-fueled, miniskirt-clad cautionary tale of lost literary innocence.” (Vogue)

“Gonzo Girl is good, fast fun, like a thrill ride in a red convertible. A 1973 Chevy Caprice Classic, to be exact. You know the one.” (Newsday)

“Full throttle from page one, this bildungsroman is a unique and mesmerizing tale about a young woman who must test her own limits and find her own voice to actualize a certain version of the American dream.” (Elle.com)

“Fascinating.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“While the novel dishes out plenty of illicit good times, Della Pietra also manages to bring moments of poignancy to the narrative. . . . Della Pietra ultimately steers her story to a believable, satisfying, and moving conclusion.” (Publishers Weekly)

This is a not to be missed event!  Sponsored by the English Department.



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