Udall Scholarship

This fellowship is for sophomores or juniors interested in environmental studies and Native American studies: http://www.udall.gov/OurPrograms/Scholarship/Scholarship.aspx

Emphasis: Academic

Brief Description: The Udall Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship for college sophomores and juniors pursuing studies leading to a career in tribal-health, tribal public policy, or the environment. Candidates should be working towards positive solutions to environmental challenges or to issues impacting Indian country; have demonstrated their commitment to one of these areas through public service; show leadership that inspires and motivates other to take action; and be committed to making a difference through civility and consensus building.

Eligibility: open to college juniors and sophomores, U.S. citizens and some permanent residents.

Selection:  Applications are due in March, 2018.

St. Andrews Fellowship in Scotland

This fellowship is for sophomore (and some junior) students to study abroad their junior year at one of the Ancient Universities in Scotland Universities: http://www.standrewsociety.org/

Emphasis: Academic, Research, International

Brief Description: The Scholarship program of the St. Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia is designed to foster better understanding and relations between the United States and Scotland through the exchange of the best and brightest university students from our respective countries. Each year, the Society provides funds to send a small group of sophomore or rising junior American students to attend a full year at one of the “Four Ancients,” or the Scottish equivalent of the Ivy League: the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St. Andrew’s. The current amount of each scholarship is $23,000. This amount increases from time to time as our funds and circumstances allow. The current St. Andrews fellow from Saint Joseph’s University is John McGrath (2018 International Relations): http://www.standrewsociety.org/

Eligibility: must be a sophomore or junior, must be a permanent resident or US citizen,

Selection:  The SJU internal deadline is Jan 15, 2018.  The SJU finalist will be selected by the fellowships office and the final application is due March 1, 2018 followed by an interview.

REU Research Fellowships

This National Science Foundation (NSF) fellowship is for undergraduate summer research: https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/

Emphasis: Academic, Research

Brief Description of Award: NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location

Eligibility: see REU website above

Selection: see REU website above

Goldwater Scholarship

This fellowship is for research for sophomore or junior students majoring in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics who intend to pursue research careers in these fields: https://goldwater.scholarsapply.org/

Emphasis: Academic, Research

Brief Description: The Goldwater award provides scholarship support to undergraduate students majoring in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics who intend to pursue research careers in these fields. The award provides support for tuition, room and board, books and fees.

Eligibility: must be a sophomore or junior, must be a permanent resident or US citizen, there is a minimum GPA of 3.0

Selection:  The SJU internal deadline is Dec.1. The four SJU finalists will be selected by the Fellowships office to apply to the Goldwater foundation the last Friday in January.

Fulbright Summer Institute Fellowships

– For summer undergraduate studies and cultural exchange in the UK: http://www.fulbright.org.uk/going-to-the-uk/uk-summer-institutes

Emphasis: Academic, Experiential, International, Other (Cultural)

Brief Description:

Summer Institute Fellowships provide three or four week academic, cultural immersion experience at various UK universities. Institutes themed and customized for US undergraduates or immersive experience with international Summer Schools

Eligibility: The Fulbright Summer Institute is for Freshman or Sophomores Must be a U.S. Citizen for either one. The Fulbright Summer institute fellowship requires a 3.7 GPA.

Selection: The Fulbright Institute applications is due in Jan./Feb. 2018.

Amgen Scholars Program


These are fully-funded summer research experiences at select universities in the country: http://www.amgenscholars.com/us-program

Emphasis: Academic, Experiential

Brief Description: Every year, the Amgen Scholars U.S. Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at many of the nation’s premier educational institutions. Currently, 10 institutions in the U.S. host the summer research program. The Amgen Foundation has committed more than $50 million over twelve years to the global Amgen Scholars Program to make this opportunity possible for thousands of students.

Eligibility: Amgen Scholars U.S. Program applicants must be:

  • U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents;
  • Undergraduate students enrolled in accredited four-year colleges or universities in the

United States, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories; and

  • Sophomores (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors or

non-graduating seniors (who are returning in the fall to continue undergraduate studies).

U.S. program applicants must also have:

  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or above; and
  • An interest in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D

Selection:  The application deadline is typically early 2018 but depends on the selected university:  http://www.clscholarship.org/about

Humanity In Action Fellowship

– For students who have a career interest in social and political discrimination: http://www.humanityinaction.org/programs/14-humanity-in-action-fellowship

Emphasis: Experiential, International

Brief Description: The Humanity in Action Fellowship bring together international groups of Fellows to study minority rights and produce original research exploring how and why individuals and societies, past and present, have resisted intolerance and protected democratic values. Separate programs take place for five weeks every summer in Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Sarajevo, and Warsaw

Eligibility: Must be enrolled undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors and seniors) or recent graduates

Selection:  Applications are due early January: http://www.humanityinaction.org/programs/14-humanity-in-action-fellowship). Candidates are selected in late March/early April.

Gilman International Scholarship

This fellowship enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness: https://www.iie.org/Programs/Gilman-Scholarship-Program

Emphasis: Academic, Language, Experiential, International

Brief Description: The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness.

Eligibility: must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant, must be an undergraduate and a US citizen

Selection:  Application due dates are in March and October. Finalists notified in May/June or November.

DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)

This fellowship is for academic studies in Germany: https://www.daad.org/en/.

Emphasis: Academic, Research, Language, International

Brief Description: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest funding organization for the international exchange of students and researchers.

Eligibility: Open to students who have completed an undergraduate degree and non U.S. citizens, must have an excellent academic record with a convincing project and German experience and/or a passion for Germany.

Selection:  see: https://www.daad.org/en/

Critical Language Scholarship Program (CLS)

These are fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion programs in critical languages determined by the U.S. Department of State, typically done over the summer. The SJU internal deadline is Oct. 15: http://www.clscholarship.org/about

Emphasis: Academic, Language, Experiential, International, Summer

Brief Description: The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program of the U.S. Department of State for American undergraduate and graduate students. With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.

Eligibility: must be 18 or older and a U.S. Citizen and enrolled in a degree seeking program

Selection:  The SJU internal deadline is Oct. 15th; the application is due in Mid-November: http://www.clscholarship.org/about