Build Your Resume

  • Learn a host of job-search skills, from writing an effective resume to interviewing well.
  • Apply classroom knowledge to the workplace and workplace knowledge to the classroom.
  • Engage in relevant, challenging, paid work rotations (current pay range is $10 to $20 an hour).
  • Utilize their technical skills.

Gain Exposure to the Workplace

  • Discover how to earn trust in the workplace.
  • Experience the day-to-day rewards, successes and challenges of the workplace.
  • Build confidence and maturity.
  • Test a career choice while still in college.
  • Learn the value of teamwork, effective communication and presentation skills.
  • Gain ethical and professional insights.
  • Receive first-hand understanding of and knowledge in a given profession.

Gain Real Work Experience

  • The Co-op program at SJU unites the classroom and the workplace by giving students two full-time, paid work opportunities, creating one full year of job experience while they are still in college.
  • By participating in Co-op, students are exposed to job opportunities that are educationally enriching and professionally meaningful.

Get Ahead in Your Career Goals

  • Participate in the usual University activities, such as student government, Greek life, study abroad, select sports, honor and professional societies and so forth.
  • Gain one year of full-time work experience in four years without extending the graduation date.
  • Be substantially more competitive job candidates upon graduation.

Graduate in Four Years

  • SJU’s format allows students to graduate in four years, even while earning one year of valuable work experience.
  • The first Co-op experience takes place during the fall of the sophomore year and the second takes place from January to the summer just prior to the senior year.

Available to the following business majors:

The Haub School of Business Co-op Program supports the following majors:

  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Science (second work term only)
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics/Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
  • Finance
  • Management majors
    • Business Administration
    • Entrepreneurship
    • International Business
    • Human Resources and People Management
    • Leadership, Ethics and Organizational Sustainability
  • Marketing
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Supply Chain Management

The Food, Pharma and Healthcare Co-op Program supports the following majors:

  • Food Marketing
  • Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Business
  • Health Administration