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Reece Long

Reece Long '20


Interdisciplinary Health Services

Outcome Opportunity:

Graduate/Professional School


Thomas Jefferson University

Briefly describe your position/opportunity.

"I am a graduate student at Thomas Jefferson University where I am working to earn my Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Through this educational opportunity, I plan to graduate in three years with my DPT and be eligible to take the board exam to become a licensed physical therapist."

How did you first learn about or get connected to your current position/opportunity?

"I first interviewed with Thomas Jefferson University in my senior year of high school and was accepted into their 3+3 DPT program in conjunction with Saint Joseph's University."

How did your SJU education impact your position or professional goals?

"At SJU, I was able to major in Interdisciplinary Health Services for my three years there, and I believe that many of the IHS classes have helped me understand a different aspect of healthcare. Not only did I receive the scientific and anatomical education I needed, but I also was able to learn about health disparities, healthcare ethics, and the psychosocial aspects of health conditions. Those courses are the ones that I truly believe will help me become a more well rounded health professional."

Did you participate in any experiential learning activities (internship, co-op, study abroad, etc.) while at SJU?

"I was a member of the Women's Rowing Team while at SJU."