From undergrads to alumni, the success stories are endless.


Emily Lukach '20




Real Estate Finance

Outcome Opportunity:

I got a job!


Acquisitions Specialist


Stamm Development Group

What was your role at the company? What were your responsibilities, day-to-day assignments?

"My role at the company is primarily on the acquisitions team, identifying and underwriting the company's prospective acquisitions. My day-to-day assignments typically include meeting with brokers in Philadelphia, independently gathering data to source viable properties, and determining the profitability of potential projects. Additionally, I assist with the oversight of development and construction, as well as drafting and updating leases and general property management."  

How did you obtain your internship position? Did the SJU RE&C Alumni Board / SJU RE Society help you?

"I was not a member of the Real Estate Society when I obtained my internship, but have enjoyed my time as a member and have been able to develop my knowledge and skills. When I knew I wanted to build my experience in the Real Estate industry, I contacted the CEO of the company I currently work for to see if they were interested in hiring an intern. Shortly after, I interviewed and was offered a position as an intern. I now continue to work at the firm during the school year."

How did the SJU RE&C Alumni Board / SJU RE Society help and prepare you for success in the position?

"The SJU RE&C Alumni Board and the SJU RE Society has helped prepare me for success in my position, and in the industry, by providing a number of panel discussions and networking events. The panel discussions hosted at SJU helped me gain exposure to all of the various job opportunities within the real estate industry. I was able to connect the professionals job experiences with my personal interests to determine which aspects of the industry would be the best fit for me. Additionally, the networking events along and Real Estate Finance professors at SJU helped inform me about scholarship opportunities for women pursuing careers in real estate which I was fortunate enough to win. These scholarships allowed me to become a member of CREW Philadelphia, which has helped to further expand my network."

Did the company offer you a full-time position post graduation? What are your future plans?

"I have accepted a full-time position post graduation at the company I am currently working with for May 2020. I am very excited to continue my career at Stamm Development Group, one of the leading private real estate development firms in the city of Philadelphia! My future plans include continuing to gain knowledge and experience within the real estate industry."