From undergrads to alumni, the success stories are endless.

Dawn sits holding a large fruit by a collection of art.

Dawn Cai '15


Communication Studies


Art History

Outcome Opportunity:

I got a job!


Data Visualization Developer


Thomson Reuters, Singapore

What’s the most important quality for career success?

During the search, don’t shy away from applying for a job or contacting a person just because you think you won’t get it. While at the job, never say no. It’s the first advice I got on the first day of my internship at The Washington Post, and it comes back to my mind on a daily basis. If you don’t know how to do the thing you just said yes to, you’ll figure it out.

What is an essential factor in post-graduate success?

Two things I think are important, in general: 1) setting your sights high and 2) be nice.