Alex Mazur '20
Real Estate Finance
Outcome Opportunity:
Brokerage Intern
Newmark Knight Frank
Please provide a brief description about what you do in your role.
"As a Brokerage Intern at Newmark Knight Frank in the summer of 2019, my goal was to learn as much about the commercial real estate industry as possible. My day-to-day responsibilities included generating stacking plans for over 100 office buildings in Philadelphia, canvassing various trophy buildings in Center City, and sitting in on client meetings with my manager."
How did you obtain your internship position? Did the SJU RE&C Alumni Board / SJU RE Society help you?
"After networking with multiple SJU Alumni who work in the industry, I was referred to Kathie Carr. She then referred me to Jim Egan, Senior Managing Director at Newmark Knight Frank, who took a chance and hired me, despite having no industry experience. I could not be more grateful for the opportunities the SJU Real Estate Alumni Board has provided me with."
How did the SJU RE&C Alumni Board / SJU RE Society help and prepare you for success in the position?
"The SJU RE&C Alumni Board has helped me by serving as mentors and sharing their first-hand experiences with me in order to help develop a better understanding of the industry. As a senior who will soon be entering the industry, I hope to one day help future SJU students break into commercial real estate, just as other SJU alumni have helped me."
Did the company offer you a full-time position post-graduation? What are your future plans?
"After concluding my internship, I received a full-time offer to return to Newmark post-graduation. While I have not yet made my decision, I am continuing to learn as much as possible about the various segments of commercial real estate before I begin my career."