Service and Community Engagement Collection Templates (2010-11)

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To submit information, please use the collection templates above (spreadsheet or word document) as the information requested has been updated since the 2009-10 versions. 

SJU Community Service – 2009-10 submissions

  • Accounting Department (Sutula Scholars)
  • Administrative/Staff Council (Thanksgiving Basket Drive, Christmas Giving Tree)
  • Athletics (Student Athletes, Pool Facility usage by local community)
  • Biology (GeoKids)
  • Campus Ministry (Magis, Weekly Service, Retreats, Immersion programs)
  • Career Development Center (Year of Service Panel, Non-profit Career Fair)
  • CAS Dean’s office (participation in various campus projects)
  • CAS & HSB Dean’s offices, Student Life, Campus Ministry, Mission and Identity (Philadelphia Service Immersion Project)
  • Center for Food Marketing (participation in VITA)
  • College of Professional & Liberal Studies (PLS Non-Traditional Students Week)
  • Education Department (participation in campus fundraiser)
  • English Department (Classroom collection drive, Sigma Tau Delta)
  • Facilities Department (volunteer and donation participation)
  • Faith-Justice Institute (Service-Learning, ALMAS, Poverty Awareness Week)
  • Francis A. Drexel Library (Manna Pies, Staff Holiday Donations)
  • Health Services Department (CHOP Early Head Start Health Fair, PA Dept of Agriculture, Institute for Safe Families)
  • Haub School of Business MBA (Jesuit Week of Service)
  • Ignatian College Connection (Outreach/Academic Enrichment for High School Students)
  • Institute of Catholic Bioethics (Hope Partnership Dental Clinic, Ronald McDonald House, Malaria Bed Net Campaign)
  • Jesuit Volunteer Corp (JVC)
  • Kinney Center Gluten-Free, Casein-Free (GFCF) Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • Learning Resource Center (Thanksgiving Basket Drive)
  • Mathematics (PACMACS)
  • MBA4005 (Course projects)
  • Office of Development and Alumni Relations (Thanksgiving Basket Drive, National Community Day)
  • Office of Mission
  • Office of Residence Life (over 12 different programs)
  • Psychology (Gompers Mentoring Program)
  • Student Health Center (Blood Drive)
  • Student Leadership (Greek Life, Up ‘Til Dawn)
  • Student Life (Community Day, National Community Day)
  • University Press (Thanksgiving Basket Drive, Christmas Giving Tree, Project Mexico/Appalachian Experience)
  • University Student Senate (Community Day, National Community Day)
  • Various individual activities