Student Travel Award Application


CAS undergraduate day students who are presenting their research in paper or poster form at an academic conference are eligible to apply.

Awards may be made up to a maximum of $250 per student per academic year.

There will be four funding cycles throughout the year:

Deadline for submissions Students notified via e-mail by
November 15 November 30
February 15 February 28
May 15 May 31
August 15 August 31

Faculty Committee
Dr. Christopher Close, History
Dr. Piotr Habdas, Physics
Dr. Kersti Powell, English

How to Apply

The student should complete Sections 1-4 and Section 6 of the application form and sign at the bottom of Section 5.  Then, give the form, abstract, and proof of acceptance by the conference (if already accepted) to the faculty mentor.

All information on the form must be typed.  Handwritten submissions will not be accepted.

The faculty mentor should complete Section 7, obtain the appropriate signatures in Section 5 and scan the completed application with abstract and proof of acceptance by the conference (if already accepted) to   (Please do not submit hard copies or incomplete applications.)

Please be aware that this is a competitive process.  The student's and mentor's statements are important in determining whether, and at what level, the student may be funded.

A faculty committee will review the applications and determine the awards. Except under extraordinary circumstances, a student must have a minimum GPA of 3.4 to be considered for funding.

The student will be notified by e-mailed letter, per the schedule. Faculty mentors and chairs/program directors will be copied on the letters.

The award will be in the form of a check payable to the student, which may be issued before the conference.

The student will be required to provide to the Office of the Dean proof of conference attendance (such as a photocopy of a hotel bill) within two weeks of the end of the conference.  This should be scanned to

Students may apply for the awards before formal acceptance by the conference and receive a conditional award letter.   Payment will not be processed until the student has submitted proof of acceptance to the Dean's Office.

Other Important Information

If the student does not attend the conference, s/he is required to return the award funds to the university (via the Office of the Dean) within two weeks of the last day for which the conference was scheduled, regardless of whether expenses were incurred.

If a student misses the deadline for the funding cycle before the conference, s/he may apply after the conference.

The intent of the award is to offset travel, registration, lodging, meals, and other expenses associated with the student's attendance at the conference.      However, receipts and reimbursement forms will not be required.  Students should be aware that any such funds from the university of $600 or more (in total) in a calendar year that are not direct reimbursement against receipts may be reported as taxable income.  Students are encouraged to retain their receipts for tax purposes.

For more Information

Donna L. Mandery
Sr. Administrative Assistant
College of Arts and Sciences
113 Barbelin Hall