A. Principal Investigator

In initializing a sponsored project, the faculty or authorized staff member assumes responsibilities and obligations which begin with the preparation of the proposal and continue throughout the conduct of the project. The Principal Investigator/Project Director agrees to the following responsibilities:

  • That the project is soundly based; that the primary goal is a significant contribution to knowledge or to the mission of the University, and that all personnel involved are qualified to perform their portions of the task;
  • That the budget is adequate to accomplish the project proposed and/or agreed to;
  • That the necessary time is available for commitment to the proposed research;
  • To be in compliance with the terms and conditions of the grant or contract, including those covering patents, copyrights, fiscal requirements, reports, and publications;
  • That any requirements for the sources of University financial support (matching funds, cost-sharing, or commitment after termination of award) are identified during the University proposal review process and approved by the University administration;
  • That safety regulation and University and federal policies related to research involving human subjects, laboratory animals, chemical and radioactive substances are followed and that appropriate clearances for use of the same have been obtained, if necessary; and
  • That grant/contract funds are properly expended. No funds will be used for purposes not in accordance with University policy and regulations of the sponsor.

B. The Department Chair

In supporting sponsored projects by faculty and staff, departments assume certain responsibilities. The department chair’s approval of a proposal certifies the following:

  • Compliance with existing University and departmental policies;
  • Academic/scholarly considerations and the professional quality of the project;
  • Competence of the Principal Investigator in the project area;
  • The ability of the Principal Investigator to successfully direct the proposed project;
  • Relationship of the project to the objectives of the department, including opportunities to enhance the goals of the department;
  • Quality of the proposal;
  • The capability of the department to provide necessary administrative support (personnel and/or supplies);
  • Availability of departmental facilities and equipment to fulfill project needs;
  • Adequacy of the budget and the determination of the department to prevent cost overruns.

C. Dean of the College or School

The dean of the appropriate school/college shall review sponsored project proposals for compliance with policies of the University and the potential sponsor with particular attention given to the following:

  • That the project contributes to the principal objectives of the University: The education of undergraduate and graduate students, the advancement of knowledge through research and scholarship, the preservation and dissemination of knowledge, the advancement and protection of the public interest and public welfare.

D. The Office of Research Services (ORS)

The ORS is responsible for the following:

  • Review all proposals to ensure compliance with instructions and policies of sponsoring agency and with policies and procedures of the University;
  • Administration of grants and contracts between the University and the sponsoring agency;
  • Assistance in obtaining any special license or agreements needed for the conduct of the project;
  • To execute spending of grant and contract funds;
  • To approve all expenses charged against sponsored research funding to ensure compliance with agency policies;
  • To prepare appropriate financial reports; and
  • To maintain official files for fiscal audit documentation.